Peace of mind from Emanate Finance
Life doesn’t always go to plan, so it is important to consider what you might do should the unexpected happen.
That’s why at Emanate Finance we care about more than just getting your loan approved. Knowing that you, your family and your assets have an appropriate level of protection in place is crucial. For that reason, there is a range of insurance solutions for you to meet your needs both now and for your future, arranged through our formal relationship with Allianz insurance, who we believe to have the expertise and experience we would like all of our valued clients to be able to access with ease.
We know how important it is that you have that ‘sleep at night’ factor.

We are here to help you make sure you are protected
We do recognise that the world of insurance may seem a complex, and choosing the right level and type of protection for you may be difficult. There are many different types of insurances available, so which insurance is right for you? To make things a little clearer, we’ve noted some of the more common insurances below for your consideration. We have access to experts in each area of insurance and can guide you in the right direction.
Click on the relevant insurance solution below to find out more
Loan protection insurance
You owe it to yourself and your family to think about how you can protect your mortgage and your lifestyle.
A Loan Protection Plan might be a good place to start if you’re worried about any of the following:
• how you would repay your mortgage if you were to fall seriously ill or have an injury
• what would happen to your family if you were seriously ill (or worse)
• how much cover you might have elsewhere
• you think you might be covered by your super (It’s estimated that life cover within super is on average only 20% of what is needed. The average insurance amount payable from super is $70,000 – for those who take the default level of cover6)
Once you have a home or investment property, it may be one of your biggest financial assets. You’ve worked so hard to secure it, so it’s worth protecting.
Contact us to obtain a quote today!
Home and contents
Your home is your most precious possession. You’ve spent months – if not years, saving up for your deposit. Home and Contents insurance can cover a range of things, including;
• Storm damage
• Accidental damage
• new-for-old replacement of contents
• temporary accommodation if your home is uninhabitable following an insured event.
• optional cover to protect your valuable personal items against loss or damage, any time, anywhere in Australia
• discounts if you combine Home building and contents cover on the same policy
• and much more
Everyone’s circumstances are different and every insurance provider offer cover for a different rage on products, so it’s important you understand what your policy covers.
We have a strong referral relationship with Allianz Australia. Through our relationship, Allianz waive their month loading fee for our clients, saving you money every month on their already competitively priced home and contents insurance.
If your insurance is coming up for renewal, you would like to do a comparison with your current provider or seeking a new policy, complete the enquiry form below and we will arrange for Allianz to provide you with a no-obligation quote.
Lets make it happen for you, just give us a call or complete the form below
Vehicle Insurance
We know how difficult life can be without your car. This is why car insurance can help you to get back on the road in less time with less fuss. Comprehensive car insurance can cover for a range of things, such as:
• damage to your vehicle
• new for old replacements
• cover for damage to other people’s property
• cover for transportation costs after an insured event
• safe Driver Discount
Everyone’s circumstances are different and every insurance provider offer cover for a different rage on products, so it’s important you understand what your policy covers.
We have a strong referral relationship with Allianz Australia. Through our relationship, Allianz waive their month loading fee for our clients, saving you money every month on their already competitively priced home and contents insurance.
If your insurance is coming up for renewal, you would like to do a comparison with your current provider or seeking a new policy, complete the enquiry form below and we will arrange for Allianz to provide you with a no-obligation quote.
Complete the contact form below or give us a call and let’s make it happen
Landlords insurance
Protecting your investment properties
Sometimes tenants aren’t quite as careful with your property as you would like them to be. With Allianz Landlord insurance, you can protect your investment from intentional damage and even from any default on rent payments.
Landlord insurance may include benefits like:
• cover for loss of rent after an insured event
• cover for intentional damage by your tenants when you have
• theft by a tenant
• cover for default on rental payments by your tenants
• payment of rental loss due to an insured event
• legal expenses related to a rent default claim to a maximum
Everyone’s circumstances are different and every insurance provider offer cover for a different rage on products, so it’s important you understand what your policy covers.
We have a strong referral relationship with Allianz Australia. Through our relationship, Allianz waive their month loading fee for our clients, saving you money every month on their already competitively priced home and contents insurance.
If your insurance is coming up for renewal, you would like to do a comparison with your current provider or seeking a new policy, complete the enquiry form below and we will arrange for Allianz to provide you with a no-obligation quote.
Complete the contact form below or give us a call and let’s make it happen
Income protection
Imagine what would happen if you had to stop work because of sickness, injury or involuntary redundancy. Even if you’re not able to work for a few weeks, this can put MASSIVE finance strain on family finances. creating major stress and of course having to dispose of (or lose) assets to cover lost income.
Income Protection may provide cover you your income under certain circumstances, meaning you have the time and breathing space to recover or pick yourself up from a traumatic event. This enables you to focus on the important task of getting back to work knowing that you will receive assistance during that time to help cover things like household bills, your mortgage and other regular payments.
Everyone’s circumstances are different and every insurance provider offer cover for a different rage on products, so it’s important you understand what your policy covers. We can connect your with the right people to discuss your insurance requirements.
Complete the form below and let’s see what protection is right for you
Life insurance
There are various types of life insurance available to cover you and your family in the unfortunate event of a death in the family.
Whether you need financial protection for when you’re sick or injured, or financial protection for your loved ones if you’re no longer around to provide for them, you may want to consider if insurances are right for your family.
Everyone’s circumstances are different and every insurance provider offer cover for a different rage on products, so it’s important you understand what your policy covers. We can connect your with the right people to discuss your insurance requirements.
Complete the form below or give us a call and see what is possible

Protect you and your family.
Just complete the form below so we can help