Your application for finance must be approved and settled with Emanate Finance through one of our panel lenders.
A written quote must be provided to Emanate Finance within 5 business days of your loan settlement with Emanate Finance and must show the date being within 5 days of the initial Emanate Finance application date.
The quote must be in the same name as the applicants of the Emanate Finance application.
A full needs analysis must be conducted by the quoting supplier to confirm your eligibility for the product or quote they are offering.
The quote must show all fees and charges and must be for the same loan amount and loan term as the Emanate Finance application.
Not applicable for applicants with credit defaults, impaired credit history or personal loans, including where a personal loan is used to finance a vehicle purchase.
It is at the full discretion of Emanate Finance if the competing quote or offer is the same or similar in nature to the Emanate Finance application and if the quote is lower than the application completed with Emanate Finance.
We reserve the wright to verify if the quote is genuine.