Home loan assessments revealed!

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Finally…A finance expert break ranks and lets you into the REAL DEAL about how the bank REALLY sees your loan application.

This is MUST READ information!

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6 MUST READ reasons why you need to read this BEFORE you make an application

tick-icon-smallHow lenders view your application
Insight into how lenders REALLY look at your application, from start to finish.

tick-icon-smallHow to overcome credit score
We reveal how a credit scoring works, and what you can do to ensure your score is as high as possible.

tick-icon-smallA guide to lender loan servicing
Did you know that every lender has a very different way of working our your borrowing capacity?

tick-icon-smallKnow which information to give the bank
Not giving the bank enough information can cause delays, giving the bank too much can cause irreversible damage.

tick-icon-smallEnsure the best chance of success
After you’ve read this book, you won’t need a broker! But it’ll certainly help if you have one in your corner!

tick-icon-smallWhat to do when the bank says no
Just because the bank says no, doesn’t always mean no – learn how to turn that no in to a ‘YES!’

About the Author

Daniel Reid

Mortgage broker and director

0415 197 154

Daniel is an experienced mortgage and finance professional with a wealth of real-world knowledge. He is a father of two, a home owner, an experienced property investor, an author, educator, regular blogger and the director of Emanate Finance.

Having spent much of his working life in customer service and customer focused roles, Daniel’s passion and determination is rivalled only by his proactive approach to annual reviews, ensuring you are always kept abreast of what is happening in the market and not paying more than you should be.

Daniel understands the importance of education throughout the process and will ensure your finances are setup correctly from the start – and more importantly speak in language you can understand. With education and understanding at the forefront of the Emanate Finance philosophy, Daniel will guide you on the path to financial freedom.

In his spare time, Daniel loves snowboarding across the globe, travelling the world with his family, brewing his own range of short run beers, connecting with other business owners and boating in the Swan River and surrounding oceans.

Daniel holds a Diploma of Financial Services (finance/mortgage broking management), is a member of the Mortgage Finance Association of Australia and is registered with ASIC ensuring you are speaking with a fully qualified industry professional at all times.

What our clients are saying

“We’ve been using Daniel Reid as our personal mortgage broker for approximately 5 years. We continue to use and recommend Daniel due to his outstanding service. He rings us and keeps us informed and checks in on us. Even when he was on holiday overseas he rang to make sure everything had gone through smoothly for us.

He is efficient, friendly and professional. We will not hesitate to follow him for his services anywhere he goes.”

Craig & Celia Plane

“Daniel Reid has renewed my faith in using a consultant. Daniel began this journey with us 2 years ago when we started talking about buying a house. Through many seemingly impossible obstacles and a myriad of dramas, Daniel patiently worked with us – he never gave up and kept trying to find solutions so we could have our dream of home ownership. This dream has now come true in no small part due to Daniel’s patience and ability to think outside the box.

I would trust Daniel with all my future financial adventures and would also happily recommend him to others. “

Georgia Bolwell

“Daniel Reid is excellent with his communication. The way he explains everything is very easy and understandable. Daniel communicates and informs you of every detail and development of the application process. He has an excellent attitude and his professionalism is of a very high standard.

Keep it up Daniel – very thankful and happy.”

Caballero Family

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34 Welshpool Rd,
Welshpool, WA, 6106
0415 297 154

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